Saturday, May 13, 2006

JSON : JavaScript Object Notation

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange format. It is easy for humans to read and write. It is easy for machines to parse and generate. It is based on a subset of the JavaScript Programming Language. JSON is a text format that is completely language independent but uses conventions that are familiar to programmers of the C-family of languages, including C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, Perl, Python, and many others. These properties make JSON an ideal data-interchange language.
JSON is built on two structures:
1.A collection of name/value pairs. In various languages, this is realized as an object, record, struct, dictionary, hash table, keyed list, or associative array.
2.An ordered list of values. In most languages, this is realized as an array, vector, list, or sequence.These are universal data structures. Virtually all modern programming languages support them in one form or another. It makes sense that a data format that is interchangable with programming languages also be based on these structures.

JSON's simplicity has resulted in its widespread use, especially as an alternative to XML in Ajax. One of the claimed advantages of JSON over XML as a data interchange format in this context is that it is much easier to write a JSON parser. In JavaScript itself, JSON can be parsed trivially using the eval() procedure. This was important for the acceptance of JSON within the Ajax programming community because of JavaScript's ubiquity among web browsers.

DotNet Ajax Frameworks

AJAX Asynchronous JavaScript And XML is a widely used buzz word now in web development world.There are some many libraries available to develop ajax enabled web application in with less effort and less code. i am listing few of them here.
ASP.NET 2.0 Atlas

Atlas is Microsoft's in-progress AJAX project.ASP.NET Atlas is a package of new Web development technologies that integrates an extensive set of client script libraries with the rich, server-based development platform of ASP.NET 2.0.With Atlas, you can take advantage of the best of ASP.NET and server-side code while doing much of the work in the browser, enabling a richer user experience.It provides rich set of client side and server side controls.It is still in Beta.

Ajax.NET for ASP.NET 1.x/2.0

It is a basic AJAX library for ASP.NET which provides the very basic AJAX capability to make xmlhttp callbacks. Does not have any 'Ajax-enabled' controls or support for Viewstate, etc.

Anthem.Net for ASP.NET 1.x/2.0

Anthem.NET provides a set of ajax-enabled controls inherited from ASP.NET server controls, with most AJAX behaviours pre-built, avoiding lots of client Javascript. It supports Viewstate so that you can actually modify server controls (either Anthem controls, or ASP.NET controls inside an Anthem control, e.g. panel) in your serverside code, in C# or VB without having to mess about in JavaScript. Unlike some other Ajax implementations the system supports callbacks for Anthem controls that are inside user controls, and even for wizards and master pages.


AjaxAspects is an engine that uses JavaScript proxies to call server-side WebService methods. It is built upon JavaScript client proxy methods for standard web services. (Just call a regular JavaScript method to call a method on the server). it uses standard SOAP and WSDL for the communication between client and server. it supports Multiple types, Arrays and XML objects as parameters and return values.It has soem other features like Caching on the client and server ,Queuing actions,Delaying actions.Many AJAX Controls also available that integrate in standard ASP.NET Web Forms.

Bitkraft for ASP.NET

Bitkraft Bitkraft is a CLR based (.NET) web framework that allows distributed web content to be created and served in a unique fashion. It is written in C# and compiles for operation under the Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1+ or the .Mono Framework, making it portable to almost any platform.At it's core, the Bitkraft framework extends the ASP .NET Architecture to fully support Javascript-based Server callbacks using the XmlHttpRequest object as a transport layer in a fashion referred commonly today as AJAX (Asynchronous Javascript Over XmlHttpRequest). It uses Uses JSON instead of XML .
With Visual WebGUI you program outlook web access like applications by programming with WinForms like server side objects.It works both ASP.NET 2.0 & 1.1 .It provides all most all of WinForms controls and can be extendable.It doesnot require any usage of JavaScripts,HTML or any other web language (Full WinForms abstraction).

Sunday, May 07, 2006

What is new in IIS 7.0 for Web Developers

Flexible Extensibility Model for Powerful Customization:
IIS 7 enables developers to extend IIS to provide custom functionality in new, more powerful ways. IIS7 extensibility begins with an all-new core server API-set, which supports both native (C/C++) and managed (C#, VB.NET) feature module development. IIS7 also enables extensibility of configuration, scripting, event logging, and administration tool feature-sets, providing software developers a complete server platform on which to build Web server extensions.

Rich Troubleshooting Tools and Diagnostic Information:
IIS 7 enables developers and IT Professionals to more easily troubleshoot errand Web sites and applications. IIS7 provides a clear view of internal diagnostic information about IIS, and collects and surfaces detailed diagnostic events to aid troubleshooting problematic servers.

All New Delegated Administration:
IIS7 enables Web Hosters and IT Professionals to safely and securely delegate fine-grained administrative control to developers and content owners, reducing cost of ownership and administrative burden for the Administrator. IIS7 enables Administrators to delegated configuration tasks to developers, and supports delegated administration of sites and applications through an all-new administration tool.

Enhanced Security through Workload Customization:
IIS 7 is designed to enable the Developer to customize in a fine-grained manner exactly which features should be installed and running on their Web server. IIS is now factored into 40+ feature modules that can be independently installed on the server, dramatically reducing the security attack surface of the server, and providing Developers and Administrators more confidence and control over their servers.

Improved Support for Server Farms:
IIS 7 makes deployment and management of content and configuration data in server farm scenarios easier than ever before. IIS 7 provides an easy way for Web site and application configuration to be copied between servers. Configuration information can now be shared across multiple front-end servers, avoiding costly and error-prone replication and manual synchronization issues that plague today’s Administrators.

Application and Health Management for Web Services:
IIS 7 enables development and hosting of Web services, over any protocol, in a secure and robust environment. The Windows Activation Service (WAS) is a Windows Vista / Longhorn Server system service that provides process activation and health management services for all types of message-activated applications. WAS is an evolution of the robust and secure IIS 6.0 request processing model, which was extended in this release to support pluggable activation for arbitrary protocol listeners. WAS provides applications with intelligent resource management, on-demand activation, health-monitoring, and automatic failure detection and recycling.WAS includes a worker process environment that hosts applications independent from message protocol. For example: an application hosted by WAS may live in a single application domain within a given process and still communicate over multiple protocols.